The Surprising Way U.S. Federal Debt Affect Gold & Silver Markets

Jeff Christian from CPM Group discusses the critical issue of U.S. federal deficits and debt and their impact on the economy and financial markets, including gold and silver prices. Despite his expertise in precious metals, Christian extends his analysis to macroeconomic trends, emphasizing the unsustainable nature of current U.S. fiscal policies. Citing Federal Reserve Chairmen from Alan Greenspan to Jerome Powell, he highlights the repeated warnings about the dangers of unchecked deficits and debt, dating back to the 1980s.

  1. Jeff debunks myths about the catastrophic nature of deficits and debt, and proposes relatively painless policy solutions to manage and reduce fiscal imbalances. He also discusses the political inaction and the misdirected blame towards the Federal Reserve for issues fundamentally caused by fiscal mismanagement by elected officials.

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