Energy and Agricultural Research

Since our inception in 1986 we have been providing views on the Energy and Agricultural markets, specializing on research related to hedging and investment strategies, as well as overall market trends.
Our energy market coverage includes Crude Oil, Gasoline, Heating Oil, and Natural Gas, and Uranium. CPM Group’s founder has analyzed and written about energy markets since 1975, having authored a book on electric vehicles in 1979 and several other publications related to energy markets, alternative energy technologies, and energy policy. He worked on the development of petroleum trading at J. Aron while at that firm. CPM Group continues to provide high-level longer term research and analyses on petroleum and other energy markets, including long-term price projections and asset management services related to investing in these markets. The company additionally continues to study alternative energy and green energy technologies, both on the production and consumption sides of the markets, and at times provides corporate finance and capital raising services to companies seeking to develop such technologies.
We have worked extensively in agricultural markets. Much of our work has related to price risk management programs for agricultural producers, processors, and exporters, especially in tropical agricultural markets. We have advised governments and intergovernmental organizations on commodity price risk management programs related to a range of agricultural products, and have provided commodities management services to producers. We have a comprehensive database on the Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Orange Juice, and Sugar, and work with groups in grains and beans.
CPM Group publishes Energy & Agricultural Research on a white paper and client-tailored report basis. For additional information on these reports, please contact CPM Group.
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Looks like hydrogen economy could happen