Specialty Metals

CPM Group has developed an expertise in the specialty metals industry. Our coverage of these metals and markets is second to none. We are known to produce best in class research on molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, tungsten, indium, titanium, lithium, and other metals. Our in-depth knowledge of these metals and markets allows our firm to excel in our consulting work, our financial advisory practice, and our asset and commodity management businesses. A large number of industry participants rely on CPM Group for their coverage of these metals.
We publish annual Long-Term Outlook reports on molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, tungsten, and other specialty and minor metals. We publish special reports on additional metals; past reports have included cobalt, titanium, beryllium, lithium, and uranium. The reports provide ten-year projections of supply, demand, and prices. For additional information on these reports, please contact CPM Group.
Many clients package our specialty metals research with our Consulting, Financial Advisory, and Commodities Management services, for help securing offtake agreements, strategic investments, and project financing.